Search in the English transltion of the Holy Quran

Note: Note: You can search all the Holy Quran chapters from main search page, searching in a chapter will be limited to that chapter

* Al-Haqqah الحاقة  1

* Al-Haqqah الحاقة  2
( What is the concrete reality? )

* Al-Haqqah الحاقة  3
( What do you comprehend by the concrete reality? )

* Al-Haqqah الحاقة  8
( Do you see any trace of them? )

* Al-Haqqah الحاقة  13
( When the single blast is sounded on the trumpet, )

* Al-Haqqah الحاقة  15
( On that Day will come what is to come. )

* Al-Haqqah الحاقة  20
( I was certain I'll be given my account." )

* Al-Haqqah الحاقة  21
( So he shall have an agreeable life )

* Al-Haqqah الحاقة  22
( In high empyrean )

* Al-Haqqah الحاقة  23
( With fruits hanging low within reach, )