Search in the English transltion of the Holy Quran

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* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  1
( WHEN WHAT IS to happen comes to pass -- )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  2
( Which is bound to happen undoubtedly -- )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  3
( Degrading (some) and exalting (others); )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  4
( When the earth is shaken up convulsively, )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  5
( The mountains bruised and crushed, )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  6
( Turned to dust, floating in the air, )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  7
( You will become three categories: )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  10
( Then the foremost, how pre-excellent, )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  11
( Who will be honoured )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  12
( In gardens of tranquility; )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  13
( A number of the earlier peoples, )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  14
( And a few of later ages, )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  15
( On couches wrought of gold, )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  16
( Reclining face to face. )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  17
( Youths of never-ending bloom will pass round to them )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  18
( Cups and decanters, beakers full of sparkling wine, )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  19
( Unheady, uninebriating; )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  20
( And such fruits as they fancy, )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  21
( Bird meats that they relish, )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  22
( And companions with big beautiful eyes )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  23
( Like pearls within their shells, )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  24
( As recompense for all they had done. )

* Al-Waqi'ah الواقعة  25
( They will hear no nonsense there or talk of sin, )