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displaying 1 - 25 of 227
displaying 1 - 25 of 227
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 1
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 2
( These are the verses of the perspicuous Book. )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 3
( You may perhaps wear out your heart because they do not come to belief. )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 5
( Never does a new reminder come to them from Ar-Rahman but they turn away from it. )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 6
( Surely they have done with denying; soon will come to them the news of what they were laughing at. )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 7
( Do they not see the earth, how We grow all kinds of noble things upon it? )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 8
( Verily there are signs in this; yet many of them do not believe. )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 9
( Your Lord is surely mighty and merciful. )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 10
( When your Lord called upon Moses: "Go to the wicked people, )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 11
( The people of Pharaoh. Will they not fear and take heed?" )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 12
( : He said: "O Lord, I fear that they will deny me. )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 13
( My heart is constrained, my tongue falters, so delegate Aaron; )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 14
( And they have a charge (of murder) against me. So I fear that they will kill me." )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 15
( (It was) said: "By no means. Go with My signs, both of you. I am verily with you and I hear. )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 16
( Go to the Pharaoh and tell him: 'We bring a message from the Lord of all the worlds )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 17
( That you should send the children of Israel with us.' )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 18
( (The Pharaoh) said: "Did we not bring you up as a child? And you lived a number of years of your life with us. )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 19
( And you commited what you did, and you are ungrateful!" )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 20
( (Moses) replied: "I did do that and I was in the wrong, )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 21
( So I ran away from you out of fear. But my Lord has given me wisdom, and made me an apostle. )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 22
( But the favour you oblige me with is that you have enslaved the children of Israel." )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 23
( The Pharaoh asked: "And what is the Lord of all the worlds?" )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 24
( (Moses) said: "The Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that lies between them, if you can believe." )
* ash-Shu`ara الشعراء 25
( (The Pharaoh) said to those around him: "Do you hear?" )